Enum BrowserAction
The actions that can be performed on a browser.
Namespace: RuriLib
Assembly: RuriLib.dll
public enum BrowserAction
Name | Description |
Back | Goes to the previous page. |
ClearCookies | Clears the cookies in the browser. |
Close | Closes the browser but not the driver. |
DOMtoSOURCE | Sets the DOM (the page source modified by the javascript code) into the SOURCE variable. |
Forward | Goes to the next page. |
FullScreen | Sets the browser window as full screen. |
GetCookies | Transfers the cookies from the browser to the HTTP cookie jar. |
Maximize | Maximizes the browser window. |
Minimize | Minimizes the browser window. |
Open | Starts the driver and opens the browser. |
Quit | Closes the browser and disposes the driver. |
Refresh | Refreshes the current page. |
Screenshot | Takes a screenshot of the visible part of the page. |
Scroll | Scrolls down by a given number of pixels from the top of the page. |
ScrollToBottom | Scrolls to the bottom of the page. |
ScrollToTop | Scrolls to the top of the page. |
SendKeys | Sends some keystrokes to the browser. Special keys like <ENTER> can be sent, separated by two pipe characters e.g. <TAB>||<ENTER> |
SetCookies | Transfers the cookies from the HTTP cookie jar to the browser. |
SetHeight | Sets the browser window's height. |
SetWidth | Sets the browser window's width. |
SwitchToAlert | Switches to the alert message. |
SwitchToDefault | Switches to the default content. |
SwitchToParentFrame | Switches to the default frame (useful to get out of an iframe). |
SwitchToTab | Switches to the browser tab with a given index. |